In crafting the strategic plan, participants kept coming across the same values that are core to the University’s mission. The following seven core values were agreed upon and are an essential part of the strategic plan.
Strategic Plan
We are thrilled to announce the Core Values Speakers Series starting in March 2015.
Please check out our list of confirmed and invited speakers.
The University is committed to being responsible and transparent.
The University expects interactions to be professional, ethical, respectful, and courteous.
The University promotes teamwork that fosters insightful and excellent solutions and advancement.
The University is committed to a culture that is enriched by diversity and inclusion, in the broadest sense, in its thoughts, actions, and leadership.
The University is guided by a constant pursuit of excellence.
The University’s industry is to create, disseminate, and apply knowledge.
The University continuously strives to be a leader and to develop leaders.
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