2017-2021 Strategic Plan Co-Chairs

Feb. 11, 2016

To the University Community:
In 2011, UMB engaged in a strategic planning process, which was characterized by an unprecedented level of Universitywide engagement, contribution, and transparency. What resulted was a comprehensive strategic plan that has been instrumental in guiding our collective priorities over the past five years. I encourage you to visit the strategic planning website to read about our progress and our success stories under the current plan.
Even as we celebrate these accomplishments, we must begin the planning process for our next five-year strategic plan, which, under University System of Maryland policy, must be in place by July 1, 2016. We have learned a great deal over these past five years about ways to improve our planning efforts going forward, and therefore, have designed a more streamlined planning process this time around. What has not changed, however, is my expectation that there be Universitywide engagement, contribution, and transparency in developing our new strategic priorities.
To this end, I am pleased to announce that Claire M. Fraser, PhD, Dean's Endowed Professor of Medicine and director of the Institute for Genome Sciences, and Roger J. Ward, EdD, JD, MPA, chief accountability officer, vice president for operations and planning, and vice dean of the Graduate School, have agreed to serve as co-chairs of the University's 2017-2021 strategic planning process. I welcome their leadership and anticipate a successful planning cycle.
You will receive information from the co-chairs over the next several weeks about the planning process and ways in which you can participate and contribute to its success. For now, please join with me in extending thanks to Dr. Fraser and Dr. Ward for their leadership in this most important initiative.



Jay A. Perman, MD

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