Students sitting on the lawn

The Strategic Plan is both a statement of where we are and a road map to where we are going.

It encompasses our considerable accumulated experience and our forward-looking vision for the department and the University. We are immensely proud of the communal effort by which the strategic plan was developed and this final report.  

We challenged ourselves to bring the UMB core values and the A&F guiding principles to life. Our guiding principles are composed of the four UMB core values sets, and an additional value set of service excellence and accountability that provides the foundation for our day-to-day interactions. We like to say we became WISER with the development of our guiding principles. 

You can download digital copies of both the Strategic Plan (56 pages) and the Strategic Plan Abridged (13 pages) by clicking on either of these links.

The Administration and Finance Strategic Plan

The below themes are applicable to Administration and Finance. Each of the themes, which were inspired by the UMB Strategic Plan, serves as our intra-departmental guiding principles. Under each theme, you can read the strategic outcome for each of them, and then click on each one to see the A&F-specific goals we have set for ourselves. 


  • Have direct reports and colleagues evaluate A&F leaders, with management responsibility and above, on their demonstration of operationalizing the Guiding Principles as evidenced in their day-to-day behaviors. 
  • Change Management and Advisory Services (CMAS) will incorporate core values language and behavioral expectations into reviews and communications to demonstrate our commitment to accountability. 
  • Define the guiding principles and associated behaviors and ensure these are implemented throughout A&F. Identify a communication plan and division-wide activities that will prioritize these behaviors. 
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive safety-training program for laboratory managers and research coordinators. 
  • Every "leader" will operationalize the guiding principles in a written plan. Every "leader" will implement these plans and be held accountable to these plans. 
  • Create internal guidelines for department to serve as a compass for guiding the staff in performing their duties. 
  • The International Operations department will recruit personnel that historically exemplify the guiding principles. 
  • Implement annual training and development programs that address departmental and organizational training objectives, ensuring integration of UMB’s core values. 


  • Real Estate, Planning, and Space Management (REPSM) will interview and collect input from every school and administrative unit to develop the Facilities Master Plan and determine capital project priorities. 
  • CMAS will further develop the Change Management Network to serve as a representative and collaborative resource for informing Quantum (Financials/HR) system end users and gathering their feedback on overall system improvements. 
  • Clearly define stakeholder services we provide. Work with departmental change champions to collaborate regarding Sponsored Projects Accounting Compliance's (SPAC) services and procedures and communicate the outcomes of said collaborations to campus. Publish best practices, expectations, and timelines for post-award activities. Collaborate with other comparable Universities on post-award to identify areas for improvement within post-award. 
  • Create a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategic plan for A&F. 
  • Collaborate with University partners to create a standard unconscious bias training program for all A&F employees involved in the hiring process (supervisors, hiring managers, interview participants). 
  • All A&F employees will participate in unconscious bias training. 
  • Recruit and retain a diverse workforce committed to UMB’s core values by ensuring competitive salary and benefits, providing opportunities for training and advancement, and promoting a positive workplace culture, with a fully staffed department by July 2023. 
  • Strengthen efforts to recruit and retain a diverse workforce by assessing and implementing competitive compensation strategies. (HRS) Effective communication between recruitment partners. Implement innovative recruitment and retention strategies. Enhancement and implementation of onboarding across Facilities and Operations. 
  • Strengthen employee onboarding and offboarding process. 
  • Develop UMB Future of Work strategies that support flexible work arrangements and schedules to address the current and future needs of the workforce. 
  • Coordinate semi-annual DEI events that incorporate elements of diversity, equity, and inclusion across the division. 
  • Increase and improve communication and customer service through improved electronic means both internally within F&O and external. Specific: Review current e-communication (websites, newsletters), Update or develop improved electronic communication (revamp forms, FAQs, important dates), Develop feedback methods. 
  • Develop and sustain consistent public safety communications with the UMB community to build resiliency and increase knowledge of departmental initiatives and resources by 15 percent over current subscriber base (from public safety survey responses earlier this year).
  • The A&F Customer Service Program — Service with Excellence: One Interaction at a Time — will be implemented and monitored for sustainability and improvement. 
  • Strengthen internal and external communication and customer service to ensure greater support, consistency, and transparency. 


  • Collaboratively update the A&F website to be accurate, personalized, and professional-looking. Establish structure that allows for easy access of unit-specific information and who to go to for the information they need (limit the number of keystrokes to access info). Strive to create standard templates, branding/theme for layout. Utilize existing A&F unit updates to evaluate pathway for updating web content. All units to connect with stakeholders to identify needs via focus groups or survey. 
  • Revamp the Small Business Reserve (SBR) and Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) reporting processes to be more efficient including: 1) working on interface to ingest Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) data for reporting, 2) adding codes in Quantum Financials to identify whether a Purchase Order (PO) has a MBE subcontracting plan, 3) adding commodity codes to include United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) taxonomy, and 4) use of eForms for submitting data, routing for approval, and capturing information in a database for reporting. Includes exploring whether data can be captured in Analytics to inform the campus on actual spending and opportunities with SBR/MBE vendors. 
  • In conjunction with the implementation of the Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) system we may be required to upgrade Quantum Planning Budgeting (QPB) system to Enterprise Planning Management (EPM) system which includes integration with position control functionality (BFA). 
  • Work with Analytics and Student Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to transition Banner data to real time reporting in Quantum Analytics.
  • OOTC and CMAS will create functional job aids and workshops related to policies and procedures including creating a library for quick reference. 
  • Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) Installation of a new PARCS (Parking Automated Control System) to improve the use of technology and efficiency to provide our campus users groups (Students, Faculty/Staff, Patients, Visitors, etc.) the best customer experience. 
  • In partnership with CITS, continue to focus on the reporting and analytics capabilities within Quantum Analytics, single enterprise-wide reporting system. This includes enhancing the reporting and analytics in support of Financials, Sponsored Programs and Banner as well as developing reporting and analytics around new systems including HCM, SAP Concur Travel and Expense, and capturing key information residing within Facilities. 
  • Convert all lightbulbs to LEDs to increase campus resiliency and reduce energy consumption. 
  • Reevaluate and define standards and specifications for design, construction, renovations, uniformity for operations, maintenance, procurement, and sustainability. 
  • Utilize technology to enhance campus safety. Create educational and awareness initiatives of the new technology. Create training programs on the use of that technology. 
  • Clearly define and rewrite current policies and procedures. Encouraging feedback from the schools so that we can clearly define SPAC/campus community information expectations. 
  • Implementation of procurement contract management software for CFSA and SSAS. 
  • Design and implement an Oracle Human Capital Management (HR/Payroll) cloud system. Includes implementation of position control functionality. Includes HR functionality. 
  • Streamline all recycling waste streams, and convert all campus buildings to a self-service waste model by 2026. 
  • Partner with Chief Diversity Officer and Assistant Vice President of Data Analytics to develop data metric reports and dashboards to assist departments with informed strategic decision-making and to evaluate effectiveness. 
  • Increase SPAC's presence. Utilize technology to develop standard practices to educate campus on post-award management in order to increase SPAC's presence. This includes redeveloping website as a learning tool for the campus. 
  • Staff Training and Error Reduction. Utilize technology to develop standardized and measurable learning experiences, which will become the basis for developing online training. 
  • REPSM will gather quantitative and qualitative data for Facilities Master Planning, facilities project planning, and real estate transactions in order to scope projects correctly and meet client needs. REPSM will develop questionnaires for different project types to assist clients in identifying their space needs while also considering obstacles. 
  • Clearly define and rewrite current policies and procedures. Encouraging feedback from the schools so that we can clearly define SPAC/campus community information expectations. 
  • Implementation of procurement contract management software for CFSA and SSAS. 
  • Lead the Funding Model Workgroup (FMWG) in the identification of duplication across schools, and between schools and administration, and collaboratively explore possibilities for producing quality services with different delivery models that will mitigate duplication and provide savings to the schools. This includes following up on the status and outcomes of prior recommendations and sharing knowledge gained by the FMWG to date with new Deans. 
  • Implement SAP Concur cloud travel system. 


  • SSAS and CFAS will initiate a robust community outreach program within West Baltimore in consulting with Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), Community Engagement Center (CEC), University of Maryland School of Social Work, and support from OOTC. SSAS will leverage data analytics to identify the type of commodities and services being purchased by departments across UMB to make information available externally. In addition, SSAS will publish internally all registered small businesses and minority businesses and their corresponding commodity and/or service. 
  • A&F units will support volunteerism, community engagement, and giving back to the Baltimore community. A&F personnel will join and/or maintain memberships in community or neighborhood associations and will actively engage with neighboring institutions, property owners, and community groups in the development of projects that impact the broader West Baltimore community. 
  • Work collaboratively with the University of Maryland School of Social Work, and other local and state partners, from Fall 2021 through 2026 and beyond to provide a safe and healthy environment to the Eutaw Street corridor through community outreach and healing centered policing initiatives. [PS]
  • Target a total of 150 LNYW homebuyers by the end of FY27. [OSVP] Evaluate how the LNYW program can influence the development and promotion of amenities in program neighborhoods and implement recommended plans. 
  • Expand Live Near Your Work (LNYW) catchment zones into neighborhoods where UMB is an anchor institution. 
  • Re-evaluate the LNYW program incentive structure. 


  • UMB will build and sustain a comprehensive emergency management program that meets or exceeds internationally accepted standards as set by the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP) and the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) by December of 2024. 
  • Global Hub to implement modified UMB international travel policy and procedures with Administration and Finance. 
  • Collaborate with ERM to perform an international insurance assessment.
  • Establish a UMB International Risk Management Program with the Office of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and the Office of Emergency Management.
  • Perform international operational assessments to identify areas of collaboration and develop a work plan for efficiency for international activities. 
  • Use operations assessments to develop international operations guides and resources for the UMB community on the three new global-focused websites. 

If you have any questions, comments, or input regarding the A&F Strategic Plan, please feel free to reach out to us. You can do so by emailing