All artists or authors who submit work to 1807: An Art and Literary Journal must agree to the following terms.
- You and all other artists/authors who submit to the journal shall retain all copyrights to your work. Upon submission of your work for consideration, you will sign a release that allows UMB the right to publish your art in the printed and online versions of 1807, to use it in promotional materials (including but not limited to advertisements, marketing materials, communications, and social media) and archive it in the UMB Digital Archive supported by the Health Sciences and Human Services Library.
- 1807 is a copyright of the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Each individual work in 1807 is copyright by the creator. You may not reproduce any 1807 content in whole or part without the express written consent of the copyright owner, except for limited personal use as permitted by law.
- If your work is submitted to any other journal, magazine, contest, competition, etc., you must inform the Council immediately if it is accepted for publication.
- While every attempt will be made to honor the integrity of your design and layout, especially in written items, you grant us permission to make necessary edits to your work and to format it to meet our website and journal’s style parameters.
- After publication of the work in the online version of 1807, the artist/author holds the right to have his/her piece taken off the 1807 website at any time.
- We reserve the right to adapt and adjust our selection criteria based on the number of submissions received.
- Upon submission of the art or literary work, the artist/author must certify the following:
- The artist/author warrants that to the best of his/her knowledge, he/she is the sole (or joint) creator of the art or literary work and has the power to convey all rights which may be related to the work.
- The art or literary work submitted has not previously been published, in whole or in part, except as indicated in the submission form.
- The art or literary work submitted does not infringe any copyright or property right of another.
- The art or literary work submitted does not contain matter that is defamatory, violates another’s civil rights, right of privacy, right of publicity, or other legal right, and is not otherwise unlawful.
- If the art or literary work submitted reproduces any textual or graphic material that is the property of another for which permission is required, the artist/author shall obtain written consent to such reproduction prior to publication in 1807.
- If a claim is asserted against UMB or 1807 as a result of an alleged breach of these representations by the artist/author, and a settlement of such claim requires UMB or 1807 to make a money payment, or if a money judgment is rendered, UMB is entitled to seek reimbursement from the artist/author for the amount of such payment or judgment, as well as costs and expenses reasonably incurred in defending against the claim.