Third Annual UM CACPR Symposium - "Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions and Stress"
The University of Maryland Center to Advance Chronic Pain Research hosted its third annual symposium on a topic of considerable interest in the pain research and clinical communities. It is well-recognized that chronic pain conditions co-occur in much greater frequency than would be expected by chance association. Recently, more attention has been directed to exploring the basis for such comorbidities, rather than just focusing on individual pain conditions. Basic and clinical scientific work indicates that stress plays an important role in chronic pain development and persistence. Recent work suggests that it might have a particular role in establishing multiple pain conditions. This symposium explored the current research and thought on this topic and envisioned the likely future directions for research and clinical care.
Video of the symposium will be forthcoming.
Watch the video from 2nd Annual CACPR Symposium (2016)-Chronic Pain Management and Opioid Abuse: We Need A "Fix"