The IT Stakeholders Committee serves to collect input and feedback from students, faculty, staff, administrators, and UMB Medicine affiliates and to provide input to and receive guidance and decisions from the Executive Cabinet.  

The IT Stakeholders Committee provides a forum for the UMB CIO and school IT leaders to receive input and advice from campus representatives. It is also a mechanism for the Executive Cabinet to share IT priorities with a group that can communicate back to the campus.


Peter Murray (CITS)

Rodney J. Taylor (SOM)

School/Dept Member
Central Units Peter Murray, Senior Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
  Dawn M. Rhodes, Senior Vice President and Chief Business and Finance Officer, Administration and Finance
  Emily Hurst, Dean and Assistant Vice Provost, Health Sciences and Human Services Library
FPI Carlton McCullough, Chief Information Officer
Graduate School Kenneth Wong, Vice Provost for Graduate Education
School of Dentistry David George, Chief of Staff
  Oksana Mishler, Clinical Assistant Professor
School of Law Kristina Alayan, Associate Dean for Library and Technology, Law School Associate Professor
School of Medicine Christopher P. O’Donnell, Vice Dean for Research Development and Operations, School of Medicine
  Peter Rock, Professor and Chair, Anesthesiology, School of Medicine
  Scott Stefan, Interim Chief Information Officer, Associate Dean, School of Medicine
  Rodney J. Taylor, Professor and Chair, Otorhinolaryngology, School of Medicine
School of Nursing Lynn Marie Bullock, Assistant Professor, Partnerships, Professional Education, and Practice; Director, Office of Professional Education
School of Pharmacy William Cooper, Senior Assistant Dean for Administration and Finance
School of Social Work Clark Shah-Nelson, Assistant Dean for Instructional Technology


 The goals of the multi-stakeholder committee are to:

  • Identify campus technology needs
  • Determine resources and services to address needs
  • Provide input to the Executive Cabinet regarding IT needs of the campus
  • Advise the Executive Cabinet regarding IT priorities

Committee Objectives

  • Obtain input from students, faculty, administrators and staff, and UMB Medicine-affiliated partners, which allows for prioritization of IT innovation and IT initiatives
  • Identify actions, initiatives, and investments in technology needed to support Strategic Plan initiatives
  • Provide input to the Executive Cabinet on initiatives proposed, precedence, or priorities
  • Assist in developing communication plans for the broader University community

Committee Composition and Actions

The committee is not an “IT committee” composed of a group of technology professionals. Rather, it is a committee reflecting the organization of the campus that could identify IT needs, academic innovations and opportunities, and improvements in business processes. Technology professionals will be consulted regarding solutions and aligning technology resources and services with the identified academic and business needs, opportunities, and innovations.

Member Responsibilities

  • Members are active, constructive participants and work to obtain input and feedback from their respective leaders and constituency groups (deans/VPs; school committees; student, faculty and staff committees; UM Medicine affiliates; “grass-roots” users).
  • Members seek opportunities and consensus-driven approaches for evaluating and arriving at IT solutions and provide input to the Executive Cabinet regarding proposed initiatives or priorities.
  • Members are continually assessing how well their constituency is being served.

Formation Guidelines

  • Deans and senior vice presidents have selected individual(s) to serve on the committee.
  • The committee has proportional representation from each of the schools.
  • The committee membership composition is as follows:
Unit Number
School of Medicine 4
School of Dentistry 1
School of Law 1
School of Nursing 1
School of Pharmacy 1
School of Social Work 1
All Central Units 2
Total Members 11 Plus 2 Co-chairs

Meeting Facilitators

A School of Medicine faculty leader and the UMB CIO are co-chairing the committee.


Selected members are serving at the pleasure of their respective dean or senior vice president, preferably for at least a two-year term.

Expected Benefits

  1. Enhanced direction-setting and decision-making of the Executive Cabinet regarding renouncing institutional IT and developing IT priorities.
  2. Alignment of technology resources and services with academic and business needs, opportunities, and innovations.