Ellucian Degree Works – a tool for degree audit, advising and planning – is a fundamental component of student success.  UMB leverages Degree Works to translate course offerings, program requirements and student academic data into actionable plans for on-time graduation.

Nearly all UMB schools use Degree Works to help students, faculty and staff navigate and outline the academic requirements of our graduate, health science and professional programs.  Students rely on Degree Works for on-demand snapshots of their academic performance to determine if they are on- or off-track for a timely graduation.  Faculty and advisors use Degree Works to help guide students through the sometimes complicated policies and requirements of our academic programs, and help them plan ahead for an on-time graduation.  Staff working in records and registration offices use Degree Works for degree clearance, which reduces the administrative burden of using more manual methods for determining if a student is cleared for graduation.

How do I access Degree Works?

Access to Degree Works is automatic for students if they are enrolled in a school or program that uses the tool.  Those faculty, advisors or staff seeking administrative access should contact the records and registration office of their school or program for more information.

Quick Links

Degree Works Log-in

SIMS Home Page