Mediasite is a platform for video recording and live streaming.  UMB uses Mediasite as the primary tool for lecture-capturing to support a variety of learning styles and instructional methods.  Mediasite features Blackboard intergration for ease of use and to associate video recordings with courses; closed captioning to accommodate viewers, and assessments to capture engagement.  Additionally, “My Mediasite” is an added tool provided for instructors to capture their own presentations or recordings outside the classroom using their personal device.

The UMB schools that leverage Mediasite for recording and live streaming vary.  Each of the schools that utilize Mediasite possess individual content channels, which are accessible by students and instructors. 

Accessing Mediasite

Students and instructors may access their school’s respective channel by visiting the appropriate link below:

   School of Dentistry – Mediasite Channel

   School of Law – Mediasite Channel

   School of Nursing – Mediasite Channel

   School of Pharmacy – Mediasite Channel

   School of Social Work – Mediasite Channel

How do I access content within Mediasite?

Students gain access to their school’s Mediasite channel once they are enrolled in a program that uses Mediasite for video recording and live streaming.  Instructors teaching in schools that use Mediasite should contact their school’s audio/visual or instructional technology teams for assistance.

Quick Links

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