Research smarter with EndNote!

Research collaboration has taken on a new meaning in the digital age—students and researchers at institutions are working with teams from all over the world.

EndNote simplifies the research process and lets researchers leave behind all the tedious work of bibliographies with one simple tool.

With EndNote you can:

  • Access full text research articles with one click.
  • Easily read, review, annotate and search PDFs in your library.
  • Create rules to automatically organize references as you.
  • Keep your data accurate with automatic reference and link updating.
  • Quickly de-duplicate the content in your library by searching on unique identifiers.
  • Insert in-text citations from your library with the Cite While You Write feature in Microsoft® Word.
  • Automatically build your bibliography using the library of 7,000+ reference types or your own customized style.
  • Ensure your bibliography is accurate with refreshed journal and referencing styles.
  • Access your research anytime, anywhere from the cloud. Move seamlessly between online and the desktop and iPad applications.
  • Share some or all of your library with collaborators worldwide.
  • Provide write or read-only access to your library.
  • Use the new Tabs feature for easier multitasking.
  • Track your teammates’ changes and view their activity in your shared library.
  • Match your paper with relevant, reputable journals using Manuscript Matcher.
  • Conduct large-scale literature reviews with ease and speed using the powerful analysis tools.

Available to Faculty, Staff, and Students of UMB.

EndNote has changed to an annual subscription model.  These licenses will need to be renewed every year.

If you are in the School of Medicine's Department of Medicine or Epidemiology & Public Health, please create a request ticket in their support system.

All others:

  • Employees and Students - $50 the 1st year

For licenses paid for with UMB funds, please visit
For any purchase that must be made with a credit card, visit

Note: EndNote is licensed per person. However, you can install the software on up to 3 computers, but it can only be open on one computer at a time.


For more information, please visit this