When using SharePoint online and viewing content in other sites, you may receive an error message that says “sorry, this site hasn’t been shared with you” or “Error: Access Denied”.  This means that you have not been setup with permission to access the content within that Team's SharePoint site.  If you want to request access to the team's site, add a note why you want access and click "request access" and an email will be sent to the team site's owner informing them that you want to access/use it. 

If you are a team site owner, make sure you complete the following steps to ensure you get the email notifications when others request access to your team's site:

  1. Navigate to your Team's SharePoint site, click the gear icon for the Settings menu and then click Site Settings.
  2. On the Site Settings page, under Users and Permissions, select Site permissions.
  3. Select Access Request Settings in the top area.
  4. Click Allow Access Requests check box.
  5. In the Send all requests for access to the following email address type your email address, and then click OK.

If you want to request access to an existing Team's SharePoint site and aren’t sure how to navigate to the site within Sharepoint or want to have a new team site created for your project, department, or group – use the Team's Request form or contact the IT Help Desk for additional assistance at 410-706-HELP.