Creating Site Columns
  1. Click on the Settings (Gear icon) button at the top right.
  2. Select Site Settings.
  3. Select Site Columns.
  4. Select Create.
  5. In the Name and Type section, type the name that you want in the Column name box.
  6. Select the type of information you want to store in the column.
  7. Click OK when finished.
Create New Column
  1. Access the appropriate List or Library to make changes.
  2. Access the List or Library Settings by clicking the Settings button or go to the List Tab or Library Tab.
  3. Select Create Column button.
  4. Type new column name.
  5. Choose column type.
  6. Enter in the rest of the fields as needed.
  7. Click OK when finished.
  8. The new field will appear at the end of your list of library.
Add Existing Site Column to a List or Library
  1. From the Quick Launch Bar, select Site Contents.
  2. Click on the ellipses to the right of the library name.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Scroll down to the columns section and select Add from Existing Site Columns.
  5. Choose Custom Columns and select the custom field that was created.
  6. Click OK when finished.