NONPO Reminders
October 18, 2023
NONPO Invoice initiators are reminded that when uploading supporting documentation to the webform and routing NONPO invoices, you must remember to:
- Ensure that NONPO invoices are promptly reviewed by the department approver. Disbursements receives a large volume of documentation through the webform for invoices that have not been approved by the department and therefore cannot be processed. Initiators can check the status of their invoice in Quantum to ensure that the invoice is promptly approved in the department. The August issue of Quantum Bytes contains important information, like how to view approval status.
- Correct and resubmit NONPO invoices that have been rejected by Disbursements within 48 hours (2 business days) of the rejection date. Invoices not submitted within 48 hours will be removed from the Disbursements workflow and resubmission of supporting documentation to the NONPO webform will be required.
- Respond to Disbursements email requests for additional information within 48 hours (2 business days).