Core Values Metrics

  1. The number of times the core values sets are used in communication
    • Can use the phrase “core values” or use each of the pairs — each use counts
  2. The number of employee performance evaluations that have included core values.
    • The number of employees rated on behaviors that align with core values (see tool kit item Core Values Evaluation Scale)
  3. Referring to performance evaluations, the collective score for each core values set for the organizational (school or administrative) unit.
    • Used to measure unit against unit to evaluate how particular areas are performing on each core values set
  4. Using 360-evaluations to reflect the perception of others as to the impact seen in how an individual is living the core values
  5. The number of policies and/or procedures written or changed to encourage behavior that is in alignment with the core values
  6. The number of grievances related to behavioral violations of any core values set
  7. The number of learning opportunities completed in relation to the individual core values sets
  8. The total dollars spent on core values initiatives
  9. Staff/faculty/student experience survey responses related to core values questions
  10. The number of employee recognition awards related to behaviors or initiatives in alignment with the core values sets
  11. The number of faculty, staff, and students who have signed the Core Values Commitment form
  12. The number of internal (UMB) grants awarded to a school or administrative unit on the basis of using core values as an application criteria
  13. The scores from student course evaluations of professors/instructors (see tool kit item Core Values Implementation Assessment_Students_1)