Extended Appointment Hours

The Student Counseling Center offers early morning and evening appointments to accommodate the differing schedules of UMB students. After an initial appointment, 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. counseling appointments are available. Students should ask their clinician about these appointment times.

Note: For university students that are pregnant or parents, UMB Title IX personnel are here to support you receive accommodations, resources, and supportive services. The Title IX Coordinator can coordinate specific actions to prevent sex discrimination and ensure student’s equal access to UMB’s education program or activity. Contact the UMB Title IX Office by phone at 410-706-2281 or email at titleix@umaryland.edu


Baltimore Pregnancy & Parenting Facebook GroupThis virtual support group is for all mothers and moms-to-be in Maryland. Find support and answers from other moms about anything related to motherhood. 

Educating New Parents on Mental Health: This website includes educational and informative fact sheets on maternal and paternal mental health, peer support, access programs, insurance, and other beneficial information related to giving birth. 

Perinatal | Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network: This webpage provides basic information about perinatal mental health conditions as well as a compilation of resources from the MHTTC and other reputable sources for the medical and mental health workforce. 

Perinatal Mental Health | ACOG: A website toolkit with information on the various levels of perinatal conditions, screening, and management of common perinatal mental health conditions. 

Postpartum Men: A website for men with concerns about depression, anxiety, or other problems with mood after the birth of a child. It promotes self-help and provides important information for fathers. 

Student Parents are Superheroes: An article on the struggles of student parents and helpful resources for student parents.

Studying While Parenting: Student parents feel stressed and isolated, but most don’t know about campus mental health resources, according to a new report. This article shares the story of a student mother who found campus resources helpful.

Supporting Student Parents’ Unique Mental Health Needs: This page includes information on initiatives for and statistics on student parents. 

Student-Parents' Mental HealthAn article on the factors affecting anxiety and depression in parents who are also students. 

B'More for Healthy BabiesA Baltimore City initiative to bring together communities, organizations and resources so that every baby might have the best start possible.

Postpartum Support International: An organization that has a goal to promote awareness, prevention and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in every country worldwide.

Perinatal Mental Health (VIDEO): How can you tell if you're struggling with mental health during pregnancy and postpartum? This video shares ways to tell if you're struggling with mental health during pregnancy or postpartum. 


Instagram Page Worth Following: 

  1. @psychedmommy


Campus Resource: 

UMB Lactation Center: The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) supports an individual’s choice to chest feed/breastfeed their baby while pursuing their graduate or professional degree. The SMC Campus Center's lactation center is located in room 335, however there are lactation centers throughout campus.  Each room is equipped with a Medela hospital-grade pump and available for private pump use. Register to use this space

Resources for Student Parents and Caregivers: Provided by the Intercultural Leadership and Engagement Center, this webpage provides information on resources that may be of interest to students with children or caregivers. 

Accommodations for students that are PregnantUMB students who are pregnant may request academic accommodations through the Office of Educational Support and Disability Services (ESDS). Academic accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis, through the interactive process that is standard for all requests to ESDS.