Submitting laurels for publication in The President's Message? Please be sure your submission meets the criteria for inclusion and follows our style guidelines.
Laurels are submitted by the communications departments of UMB’s schools as well as by representatives in Universitywide offices.
Each month, submitters are asked to forward the names and photographs of any faculty, staff, and/or students who have recently received kudos to the Office of Communications and Public Affairs (CPA) so we can include them.
Please note: The Office of the President is not responsible for errors in these self-submitted laurels.
Items should be 50 words or fewer and include the following information:
- Name, title, full department/office name, and graduate degree(s) of person(s) honored. (If the submission includes several UMB people, list them all, such as co-authors on a paper, in the order the names appear in the publication byline.)
- For faculty titles: include professor, associate professor, assistant professor, etc., first, then one other title if applicable, such as a chair or director position.
- Title or brief description of honor or published material.
- Name of organization/business presenting the honor, or the publication printing the written material. Please indicate the type of publication, such as journal, magazine, or online newsletter.
- Date and place the honor was announced or presented (if applicable).
- Photo (high-resolution only). Please note that photos generated by artificial intelligence (AI) programs will not be accepted.
- We prefer that the award be work/University-related. Promotions are accepted as laurels but new hires are not.
- Please also take a moment to alphabetize the items by name before submitting them.
Schools and offices are asked to limit their laurels to the most deserving to keep the newsletter at an easily readable length. Twenty is the limit from each school’s chief contributor.
Our goal is to get as many new faces as possible in the newsletter. If a person’s picture has appeared in the prior newsletter, we will use the text of the new item but likely not the picture. Use of photos is at the discretion of CPA’s design team after assessing what has been submitted.