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The Office of Communications and Public Affairs Web Team provides a variety of services. Explore below to find out more details.

After submitting a work request, we will provide an estimate for the amount of time a project will take. 

Projects can take anywhere from one hour to 100 hours depending on the size of the project. Larger projects will include a free consultation with our experts. 

Small projects include minor updates, vanity links, and redirects. 

Medium-sized projects include building a page, building a survey, content writing, and additions to the Mobile UMB App.

Large projects include website restructuring, user experience research, newsletter creation, building new sections of the website, and application development.

We do not charge for vanity links and analytics.

Please fill out a work request form, and we will work with you in a realistic and transparent way. 


Web Application Development

Develop custom web applications that meet specific needs

Graphic Design for the Web

 Design and produce web-safe graphics that incorporate accessibility guidelines and adhere to UMB’s branding and style standards.

Website Template and Layout Design

Create style sheets and website structuring that meet client needs and are consistent with UMB branding and accessibility standards, as well as the look and feel for the specific client.

User Experience Research

Execute user testing in small groups at any phase of the design process, depending on client needs. Prioritize the key audiences that a client is trying to reach, and their specific needs, expectations, and outcomes we observe in their testing.

Wireframe and Mockup Creation

Design working prototypes before the production of a website. This includes proposed information architecture, content structure, and visual/interactive elements for the client to review and approve.

Information Architecture

 Provide guidance and recommendations on how a site should be structured to make it intuitive and user-friendly. We use an iterative process that balances client needs and how individuals use the web.

Website Content Audits

Create an inventory of existing website content that itemizes each page on the client’s site and assesses the current structure of the site overall. This is a critical step in any redesign process.

Web Content Writing 

Draft web content based on UMB’s editorial style guide and web writing best practices. We can provide writing services as well as make recommendations on how to improve proposed web content so that it’s appropriate for the web, readable, and intuitive.

Web Content Updates

Provide routine updates or website revisions that are specifically focused on content.

Newsletter Creation

Create a simple newsletter for clients via Constant Contact, including all production after the final design is approved. We support email building for each newsletter issue, email list building, and delivery, analytics reporting/link tracking, etc.

Online Form Creation

Manage registration or application forms for events/programs, etc. We can provide analytics dashboards and regular updates of submissions. All forms are customized according to the needs of the client.

Online Survey Creation

Produce surveys through SurveyMonkey that help clients in data or feedback collection.

ADA Accessibility

Provide advice on how to adhere to guidelines that were established through the Americans with Disabilities Act, which we enforce on all umaryland.edu web properties.

Browser Compatibility

Ensure cross-browser and cross-device compatibility for all web products to guarantee a consistent user experience.

Additions to the Mobile UMB App

Add new functionality to the app that is possible within the limitations of our application platform.

Project Management

Manage oversight of a project that involves external vendors or stakeholders but will also pass through our team before execution. Also, create timelines, cost estimates, and other projections for specific deliverables.

Vanity URL Creation and Page Redirects

For a specific campaign, we can create “vanity” URLs — short, memorable URLs that are ideal for both print and digital distribution. We also create redirects for specific content that may be older or may just need a more user-friendly shortcut.

SEO Advice and Guidance

Guide UMB departments and units on best practices for search engine optimization (SEO) and how to leverage various search tools to increase traffic to their site for a particular audience.

How-To Manual Creations

We curate step-by-step instructions to help our users complete a certain task. This is provided with pictures, arrows, and detailed explanations to help the user understand what something means when following each step.

Training for the Web

We provide regular training for UMB’s primary content management system T4, Silktide, and the Mobile UMB App, as well as for general best practices for the web. We also assist with onboarding of new web employees across the University, including those who will be the primary website managers for specific departments and units.

Technical Troubleshooting

Our web properties are very complex and use many different technologies. Because of this, things are sometimes at risk of not functioning as intended. We regularly monitor any issues or bugs and act quickly to solve problems brought to our attention.

Don't see what you need? Fill out a work request form, and we will contact you about whether or not we can fulfill the request. 

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Web Work Request Form