2025 Web Redesign Transition

New website templates are being introduced for 2025. Not all information in the UMB Website Manual has been updated yet, and may still refer to the pre-2025 templates.

This content type was designed to provide users with a standardized format and location for their contact information. When added to the left column branch, visitors will be able to get in touch with you from any page within your site.

This content type is required for all offices providing services to the campus community.


  1. Add a new section to your site structure and call it "Left Column Branch".
    *This section title is very important, it controls the position of your contact box. Be sure to un-check the "Show in Navigation" check-box before you update and approve the page.
  2. Add the contact box content type to this section and fill out the components described below.
  3. Approve the new content and preview any page within your site. You should now see your contact box beneath the left navigation of your site.



The name of the piece of content. This name is for internal use and will not be visible on the page.


Contact Name
Provide the head of your department, or a primary point of contact.


Contact Title
Provide a title for your contact person.


Office Email
Provide an office email address.


Office Phone
Enter the phone number for your office.


Office Fax
Enter the fax number for your office.


Street Address
Enter the street address only in this field.


Floor Number
Example "Third Floor"


City State Zip
Provide the rest of the mailing address.


Additional Info
Any pertinent instructions or information, such as hours of operation.


Social Media
Provide links to your office Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or LinkedIn pages.