2025 Web Redesign Transition

New website templates are being introduced for 2025. Not all information in the UMB Website Manual has been updated yet, and may still refer to the pre-2025 templates.

For some users, creating a new website will be a simple task. Others may find it a more complex process. Whatever skills you and your team bring to the table, it's essential that everyone involved in creating your site is on the same page.

This means that everyone should know exactly what you are trying to achieve through your new website. This means you must define your site goals.

What do you want people to know or do?

By defining your office’s needs, goals, and core messages, as well as the needs of your users, your website will better serve both your office and your audiences. You also will contribute to clear Universitywide communication.

Larger site goals:

  • Develop your core messages – what do you want people to know?
  • Tell users what information and programs you offer
  • Tell your constituents what your office does
  • Get the University community involved in your programs
  • Solve a communication problem you have with your audiences

Examples of smaller, more specific site goals:

  • Increase attendance at your events
  • Get employees to sign up for a wellness program
  • Increase the number of UM shuttle riders

No matter what your goals are, your site needs to communicate them to the correct group or groups of people – your audiences.