2025 Web Redesign Transition

New website templates are being introduced for 2025. Not all information in the UMB Website Manual has been updated yet, and may still refer to the pre-2025 templates.

TerminalFour’s SiteManager (T4) user rights and roles are organized into three levels: contributors, moderators, and power users. If you work in T4, you belong to one of these groups. Remember that these roles are an ongoing and integral part of maintaining your site and your communication goals.

Administrative Units

To be good stewards of your site and meet your communication goals, the following roles should be assigned.

  • Power User

    Power users are content managers. You are responsible for creating new users, assigning users to pages, and creating approval processes (workflows).

    • Understands your department; provides department with support needed to establish website
    • Helps determine site goals, audiences, key messaging
    • Sets page layouts using predefined content types
    • Reviews site performance
    • Assesses whether goals are being met (reviews site performance and metrics against success measurements)
    • Works with content manager in Office of Communications and Public Affairs (OCPA) to update, develop, or revise content, based on analytics
  • Moderator

    Content moderators review submissions. Your job is to approve and publish content. You also can modify the structure of your site(s) and add sections to the left navigation.

    • Copy edits content for style and tone
    • Reviews to incorporate key messages (words, images, and multimedia)
    • Publishes content to live site
    • Reviews content on a regular basis
    • Publishes content updates on a defined schedule
    • Proactively updates content as major changes occur
    • Responsible for maintaining content in T4


  • Contributor

    Web contributors are content authors. This means that you can add content to pages and edit or delete content. Any changes you make will be approved or amended by your content moderator before being published to the live website.

    • Creates/revises content (words, images, and multimedia)
      • Provides content to moderator
    • Is responsible for informational pages within the site
    • Serves as point person for:
      • Calendar entries
      • Staff profiles (works with staff to keep them up-to-date)
      • News and announcements

Each administrative unit has a content manager who ensures all areas of the website have an allocated content moderator to review and approve changes. Periodically, content managers audit the sites for which they are responsible.

If you think you need access to T4 in any of these three roles, please contact your web development group or the Office of Communications and Public Affairs. 

Once trained by their web development group, users will be granted contributor access so they can update and add content to the appropriate pages. Moderators should be trained by the Office of Communications and Public Affairs and assigned by their web development group. Power users are typically an administrative unit's web development group and work closely with the Office of Communications and Public Affairs.

Your Resources in the Office of Communications and Public Affairs

The Office of Communications and Public Affairs is your resource for establishing new sites at UMB. If you run into problems that this comprehensive documentation cannot answer, please complete a work request  – we want you to feel empowered to create and maintain your sites.