The UMB CURE Scholars Program is a unique program that prepares sixth- to 12th-grade students in Baltimore for competitive, lucrative, and rewarding research and health care careers at UMB and other health institutions in the region.

The CURE Program

The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) program was established by the NCI’s Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD) in 1999 to help support under-represented students in biomedical research and career development. CURE utilizes a pipeline approach and provides career navigation, workforce training, and mentorship to diverse scholars at all stages of academic and career development. The CURE program is driven by a mission to build a diverse biomedical workforce, which is critical to addressing the health needs of all Americans and eliminating cancer health disparities in the nation. 

The UMB CURE Scholars Program

‌The UMB CURE Scholars Program is the first of its kind to attract middle school students into the NCI’s CURE pipeline and excite a future generation of health care providers, biomedical researchers, and STEM-related professionals. The UMB CURE Scholars Program operates in partnership with three West Baltimore middle schools.

How Does the Program Work?
UMB accepts sixth- to 10th-grade students from West Baltimore each year who have an interest in STEM, are committed to participating in a long-term pipeline program through their college career, and meet the program application requirements.

The program offers selected scholars ongoing mentoring with after-school, Saturday academy, and summer enrichment components. Selected students are exposed to rich scientific environments to gain experience, academic enrichment, self-confidence, and motivation to pursue careers in cancer research, health care, and STEM-related fields.

Support from parents/families, schools, mentors, and community partners is essential to the scholars’ success. Families, schools, and communities work together to provide a holistic network of support for our UMB CURE Scholars throughout their middle school, high school, and college careers.

Do you know a student who you think would excel as a CURE Scholar?

Please fill out our interest form and we will reach out to the scholar and their family. For more information about our application process, please visit our Prospective Scholars section.