School liaisons and faculty have the right to:
Require that students with disabilities request accommodations through ESDS.
Require students to meet all program/course requirements and standards.
Consult with the school liaison and/or ESDS staff if they think that requested accommodations are not appropriate for a particular course or situation.
Provide input on how approved accommodations will be provided in a particular course.
Require that students engage in appropriate, nondisruptive behavior in the classroom and to take appropriate action to remove a student who is disruptive.
Require that students follow University/department policies and procedures.
Note: In accordance with the ADA, faculty do not have the right to question whether a disability exists or examine a student‘s disability documentation when the disability has been adequately documented and is on file with ESDS. The student's approved accommodations letter, signed by the director of educational support, will act as assurance that the student has provided adequate documentation of the disability and requested accommodations.
School liaisons and faculty have the responsibility to:
Refer all students who self-identify as having a disability and need to request accommodations to ESDS.
Work with ESDS and students to make courses, viewed in their entirety, accessible (e.g., content, texts and materials, assessment method, on-line instruction, time requirements).
Work cooperatively with locations that serve as affiliates, clinical rotations, and field placements, to assist implementation of appropriate reasonable accommodations for students (if applicable).
Support and implement reasonable accommodations as identified in an Accommodations Letter from ESDS.
Consult with the school liaison and/or ESDS if requests conflict with course objectives/requirements.
Protect student’s privacy and confidentiality.
Include a syllabus statement directing students to ESDS if they have need for an accommodation related to a disability.
Assist ESDS with identifying student assistants (i.e., note takers, readers, scribes) when applicable.