Students with disabilities have the right to:
- An equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from courses, programs, services, and activities (including extracurricular activities) of the University.
- Reasonable and appropriate accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services.
- Confidentiality: Information pertaining to a student’s disability will only be disclosed to those with a need to know the information. Documentation is kept in a secure file within the Educational Support and Disability Services (ESDS) Office.
- Information available in accessible formats, including accessible instructional materials.
Students with disabilities have the responsibility to:
- Meet qualifications and maintain essential standards for courses and programs.
- Adhere to the University’s honor statement. Students suspected of academic dishonesty will be referred for disciplinary action.
- Follow ESDS and University policies and procedures regarding requests for reasonable accommodations.
- Inform ESDS of accommodation needs by submitting an online request form each semester.
- Meet with ESDS staff for initial intake and provide appropriate and current documentation.
- Work with ESDS, school liaison, and faculty regarding appropriate accommodations.
- Present accommodation letter to faculty member (if applicable).
- Discuss with the faculty member how the accommodations are going to be implemented and explain about the situation, particularly testing accommodations (if applicable).
- Inform ESDS of barriers to a successful education and equal access.
- Provide ESDS with annual evaluation of services.
- If you receive notes from a note taker, it is your obligation to make sure your notes are correct and updated. If notes are incorrect, please inform the ESDS as soon as possible.