The Educational Support and Disability Services Testing Center has relocated for renovations. The Testing Center is now located in the SMC Campus Center in Room 351/353. Please view the document for important updates: Testing Center Relocation Updates.

Scheduling Exams

Students must schedule testing center exams at least 2 business days in advance of the test date through the ESDS Student Accommodations Portal

Students can view scheduled exams through the ESDS Testing Center Portal 

USG Shady Grove Students please follow the testing center procedures and schedule here USG Shady Grove Testing Center 

ESDS Testing Center Procedures

Before the Exam

  • Students approved for testing accommodations must provide their professors with their current accommodations letter and communicate a reasonable time for the exam or quiz. (School of Pharmacy students: please defer to exam scheduling deadlines communicated by the ADA exam team.) 
  • Students must schedule the testing center exams at least 2 business days in advance of the test date. 
  • Students that have not followed the outlined procedures may not have the opportunity to utilize testing center services. If there are extenuating circumstances, please email:

On Exam Day

  • Students should arrive at the ESDS Testing Center at the time of their scheduled appointment and be prepared to show their UMID.
  • Students must store personal items, including phones or smart watches, before checking in for the exam. 
  • Be respectful of other students testing.