This University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Data Dashboard maps and tracks the current state and progress of EDI at UMB related to areas such as presence, recruitment, retention, promotion, and access.

This accessible, transparent, and effective tool displays the state of EDI across all UMB schools and administrative units. The dashboard provides deans, vice presidents, other institutional leaders, and the entire UMB community with information to address EDI gaps and opportunities and develop informed and innovative change and implementation strategies.

The data provided on these dashboards are publicly available in PDF form on the Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning (IESPA) website, generated by PeopleSoft and Banner. The EDI Data Dashboards display multiyear data on one accessible platform for multiple users. We will continuously revise the dashboard, data collection, and dissemination practices and processes so that we are more representative and inclusive.

Read the September 20, 2023 story Data Dashboard Tracks State of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at UMB.

In 2023, UMB is comprised of 67% women faculty and staff.

In 2022:

  • Two-thirds or 66% of all executives, administration, and managerial leadership, including but not limited to titles such as deans, vice presidents, directors, managers, and chiefs, were women.
  • Black/African American women comprised 76% of the executive, administration, and managerial leadership.
  • Women held 71% of the professional jobs.  The Professional career point includes, but is not limited to, job titles such as Accountant, Administrator, Analyst, Coordinator, and Specialist (for the complete list, visit UMB’s HR Job Description site). Professional roles can include responsibilities that call for autonomy, discretion, creativity, analytical thinking, and contributions to developing goals, objectives, and evaluations (for a complete definition, visit UMB’s HR Job Description site). 
  • Black/African American women held 78% of the professional jobs.

From 2012 to 2022:

  • Women in executive/admin/managerial positions increased by 15.5%. 

Over a nine-year span, promotions of women lecturers, instructors, assistant professors, and associate professors consistently outnumbered their male counterparts. 

  • Lecture promotions: women 18; men 6
  • Instructor promotions: women 172; men 80
  • Assistant Professor promotions: women 634; men 501
  • Associate Professor promotions: women 528; men 454

In the last decade, UMB has experienced a steady increase in faculty and staff of color (American Indian, Asian, Black/African American, Pacific Islander, or Two or more races), growing from 38.9% in 2013 to 49.6% in 2023.

  • Faculty of color increased by 8.6%
  • Black/African American faculty increased by 4.4%
  • Staff of color increased by 6.4%  

In the August 2022 published study titled Women in Law Schools, 1948-2021, the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law (SOL) “placed historically first nationwide for women's representation among faculty, second for students, and seventeenth for deans.” UMB’s dashboard further supports these findings with data showing women in the SOL constituted 99.9% technical/paraprofessional staff, 69.4% professional staff, and 74.2% executive/administration/managerial staff.

The Technical and Paraprofessional job category includes positions that require specialized knowledge and skills obtainable through either experience or academic work from a two-year technical institution, junior college, or equivalent on-the-job training, and professional or technician supportive role duties, which usually requires less formal training and experience generally required for this job category. At UMB, the technical/paraprofessional career point includes, but is not limited to, job titles such as IT Support Associate, Human Resource Specialist I, Account I, Budget Analyst 1, Medical Assistant, Dental Assistant Specialist, Research Study Coordinator, Licensed Practical Nurse; Laboratory Animal Technician; and Statistical Data Assistant.

  • Diverse hands

    Presence and Retention

    Presence dashboards provide headcount statistics, trends, and comparative analysis for various groups by organization, race/ethnicity1, and gender2. Presence trend lines compare headcount percentages by groups, race/ethnicity, and gender within a specific organization (unit, school, or Universitywide).

  • Shaking hands


    Hiring dashboards provide statistics, trends, and comparative analysis for various personnel groups by organization (unit, school, or Universitywide), race/ethnicity1, and gender2. Hiring and headcount trends provide trend lines to compare hiring and headcount percentages by organizations, personnel groups, race/ethnicity, and gender.

  • High five


    Promotion dashboards provide statistics, trends, and comparative analysis for various personnel groups by organization (unit, school, or Universitywide), race/ethnicity1, and gender2.  


1. Race and ethnicity refer to different types of categorizations. "Race" refers to socially constructed divisions of humanity to create hierarchies and is inextricably linked to histories of oppression, enslavement, conquest, and genocides. "Ethnicity" refers to self-defined and shared groupings based in cultural origins and expressions, including ancestry, language, region, migration, foodways, literature, and music (Diversity Style Guide; University of Maryland, College Park Editorial Style Guidelines; California State University Diversity/Inclusivity Style Guide; Flanagin, Frey, & Christiansen, 2021).

2. UMB recognizes gender diversity beyond binary genders. Employee gender identity reported in our HR systems is derived from government-issued documentation and populated in PeopleSoft from this data; it is not self-reported. Student gender identity data is self-reported through each school’s admissions process and populated in Banner via the Student Information Management System (SIMS). Future work will involve expanding more diverse gender identity options.