Articles, resources, and data addressing structural issues that contribute to existing health inequities, as well as mitigation strategies and tools for improving health equity
AMA Center for Health Equity: Health equity resources provided by the American Medical Association
APHA Health Equity: Health Equity Resources provided by the American Public Health Association
CDC Health Equity: Health equity resources provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Choosing Health Equity: National Partnership for Women and Families provide resources designed to disrupt standard processes in order to achieve a healthier, equitable and just society
Community Health and Equity Resources at the American Hospital Association: Alliances, Guides, Tools and Other Resources provided by the American Hospital Association
Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative: Health Care for All Health equity resource communities
Maryland Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities: Mission is to address the social determinants of health and eliminate health disparities by leveraging the department’s resources, providing health equity consultation, and guiding policy decisions
Place Matters for Health in Baltimore: A 2012 Report on Health Inequities in Baltimore, MD
Promoting Health Equity: A resource to help communities address social determinants of health
RWJF Achieving Health Equity: Health equity resources provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Star Track Health: Community based program providing health services, expertise and leadership throughout the State of Maryland. Star Track focuses on connecting and providing excellent care for LGBTQ+, Black women, commercial sex workers, and unstably housed youth
Systemic Racism and Health Disparities Shared Bibliography
Unnatural Causes Health Equity Database: Background information from the four-hour series aired on PBS “Unnatural Causes…is inequality making us sick?”
Unnatural Causes…is inequality making us sick Video Clips: Series excerpts, video clips illustrating key concepts from the Unnatural Causes documentary series