Definition: Any waste that contains, or is contaminated with radioactive material.
Examples: Liquid scintillation counting fluids and vials, animal carcasses and excreta, experimental or clean-up materials, and original source vials contaminated with radioactive materials.
- Review waste disposal procedures with the Radiation Safety Office in the planning stages of all experiments. Information on the generation of radioactive waste must be explained in Section 2.7 of the Basic Research Application.
- All radioactive waste must be stored in containers provided and/or approved by EHS. Prior to generating radioactive waste, containers may be requested by calling ext. 6-7055 or supplying EHS with a Radioactive Waste Removal Request Form that requests necessary/required containers.
- Segregate wastes according to isotope and waste form (i.e. dry solid, liquid, LSV, sharps, animal, etc.).
- Each waste container should be accompanied by a “Caution Radioactive Material” label and a “Radioactive Waste Disposal Log Sheet”. If a waste container is missing either the label or log sheet, they can be obtained from EHS by calling ext. 6-7055.
- An entry on the “Radioactive Waste Disposal Log Sheet” must be annotated each time radioactive waste is placed into the container.
- Never place radioactive waste containers in the corridors. All radioactive waste must be secured in a radioactive material area.
- Submit all radioactive waste removal requests online by clicking on the following link: