Research Safety women looking at and ipad

The Department of Environmental Health and Safety supports UMB's research enterprise by protecting laboratory workers, the environment, and the community from potential exposure to hazardous materials while also protecting the integrity of experimental materials. EHS Divisions in Research Safety (Biological and Chemical Safety) and Radiation Safety work to oversee all laboratory work on UMB and affiliated campuses  .

Additionally, EHS provides oversight on general laboratory and radiation safety inspections on campus to ensure compliance with University policies and regulatory requirements.

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The Biosafety Team seeks to prevent and reduce exposure to biological hazards by assisting researchers in conducting risk assessments and providing guidance to laboratory personnel on the microbiological practices, safety equipment, and facilities under which biohazardous materials can be safely manipulated. This team ensures that University laboratories comply with the requirements mandated in OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, as well as applicable regulations by NIH, CDC, and USDA.

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Chemical Safety

The Chemical Safety Team ensures that the University complies with the standards mandated in OSHA’s Standard on Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories, which applies to all University laboratories. This team provides information and training on hazardous chemicals, maintains the University Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP), and ensures that chemicals are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner in compliance with EPA and MDE regulations.

Chemical Safety
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Controlled Substances

UMB investigators who use drugs or substances controlled by the Drug Enforcement Administration, defined as “controlled substances,” for research must comply with applicable federal and state laws.

Controlled Substances
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Lab Inspections

The University inspection program is designed to provide staff and students with a safe working environment, address environmental protections, and ensure compliance with federal and state regulations covering work in laboratories. General lab inspections are conducted at least annually for basic laboratory safety, covering general safety and health hazards, and proper handling and disposal of hazardous materials. Radiation safety inspections are conducted independently of general lab inspections. All inspection findings and responses are managed through the SciShield research management software.

Lab Auditing
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Radiation Safety

The Radiation Safety Division administers the University's broad-scope radioactive materials license, which regulates activities at UMB, UMMC, UMBC, and IMET. This division has oversight on control of radioactive materials and radiation-producing devices on the UMB campus, consistent with MDE, NRC, and EPA regulations, and abides by recommendations of the ICRP and NCRP.

Radiation Safety
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Safety Data Sheets

The University subscribes to the Chemwatch Safety Data Sheet repository, which can be accessed on or off campus through your UMID login.

Safety Data Sheets

For EHS Staff Only