Inventory and Recordkeeping Requirements (21 CFR 1304.04)
Each registrant must keep complete and accurate records for all controlled substances, from ordering to disposal. Records should be kept by the registrant for at least two years from the date the record was made, on-site, and be made readily available for inspection. Records should include ordering records, records of receipt, records of use, records of disposal, and complete inventories.
The DEA requires that an initial inventory be taken on the date he or she first engages in activity with CDS. After this date, at a minimum, a biennial inventory (every two years, within two years of the previous inventory) should be taken. Note that an inventory consists of a count of all controlled substances on hand on a given day. The inventory should include a separate listing for each kind of substance or preparation, the number of packages, total content of packages, with individual amounts in containers if not full.
A running log of activities should also be kept to document when, where, and for what purpose the substance was used, but is not the same as an inventory. It is best practice to uniquely identify containers in multi-pack packages, particularly if they contain multiple doses. The running log and inventory should specify the amount remaining in each container by their unique identifier. These records must be kept for both stock and working solutions.
Inventories and records for Schedule I and II drugs must be kept separate from Schedule III-V.
EHS strongly recommends that dedicated, bound notebooks be used for running logs and inventories, as looseleaf or binder documentation can lead to lost records, retroactive recordkeeping, and replaced records. Any written documentation must be written in indelible ink.
Registrants must ensure that an accurate and complete list of authorized users is maintained in their records, with EHS, and with the DEA and OCSA. When access is to be given to a new authorized user, registrants must notify EHS, DEA, and OCSA.
Per DEA regulation, it is assumed that the following questions will become a part of an employer's comprehensive employee screening program:
Question. Within the past five years, have you been convicted of a felony, or within the past two years, of any misdemeanor or are you presently formally charged with committing a criminal offense? (Do not include any traffic violations, juvenile offenses or military convictions, except by general court-martial.) If the answer is yes, furnish details of conviction, offense, location, date, and sentence.
Question. In the past three years, have you ever knowingly used any narcotics, amphetamines, or barbiturates, other than those prescribed to you by a physician? If the answer is yes, furnish details.
Diversion, Theft, or Loss of Controlled Substances
Anyone having knowledge or reasonable suspicion of Inventory irregularities or diversion, theft, or loss of CDS has an obligation to report such information to UMB Public Safety, EHS, and the Registrant (if the Registrant is not the person reporting). The Registrant shall notify the DEA Field Division Office of any theft or significant diversion or loss of any Controlled Substances upon discovery of the theft, loss, or diversion.
DEA District Field Office
200 St. Paul Plaza, Suite 2222
Baltimore, MD 21202