• Register for and attend Radiation Safety Training.
  • Complete a Radiation Worker Registration Form, if your job will require you to wear a dosimeter. More information on dosimeter use can be found on Dosimetry
  • If requesting approval as an authorized user of radioactive materials, the Basic Research Application must be completed and submitted to the Radiation Safety Office for approval. Before issuance of an authorization, the PI must attend a pre-authorization conference with the Radiation Safety Officer. 

  • Written notification should be provided via email to the Radiation Safety Office requesting discontinuation.
  • After the request is made, all sewer disposal of radioactive materials should cease.
  • Please leave the sewer disposal permit and “Assume this site is contaminated” sign posted. All signage will be removed by Radiation Safety personnel.
  • Radiation Safety personnel will perform a closeout inspection to include wipe tests and meter surveys of the sewer, and will remove all signage. 

  • Complete and submit a Facility Registration Form to the Radiation Safety Office. The EHS fax number is 410-706-8212, or you can scan and email it to the Assistant Radiation Safety Officer.  In addition, please modify your CICERO protocol to include the new room number and facility map.
  • The form must be submitted and the room added to the authorization before moving radioactive materials into the laboratory.
  • Once the room has been added to the authorization, a “Caution Radioactive Materials” label should be attached to the door sign. In addition, appropriate postings should be placed in the room (i.e., Maryland Department of Environment Notice to Employees, Radiation Emergency Procedures and Good Radionuclide Lab Practices). 

  • Written notification should be provided via email to the Radiation Safety Office requesting to remove the radioactive materials laboratory from the authorization.
  • If a sewer disposal permit was issued for the room, cease all disposal of radioactive materials down that drain.
  • Please leave the sewer disposal permit and “Assume this site is contaminated” sign posted for removal by Radiation Safety personnel.
  • If there is any radioactive inventory in the room, it can be transferred to another room that is on the authorization or disposed of via radioactive waste. If the remaining isotope is disposed of, the corresponding RUD must be returned to the Radiation Safety Office.
  • If there is radioactive waste present in the room, the waste can be transferred to another room listed on the authorization.
  • If a waste removal request needs to be made, please submit the request via the online Waste Removal Request Form: https://ehs.umaryland.edu/ehs_forms/radwaste/.
  • If there is any equipment in the room that is labeled with “Caution Radioactive Materials” labels, this equipment may be transferred to another room that is authorized for radioactive materials. If the equipment needs to be moved to a room that is NOT authorized for radioactive materials, Radiation Safety personnel must check the equipment for contamination before it’s moved.
  • Once all radioactive material has been removed from the room, a final contamination survey should be performed.
  • Radiation Safety personnel will then perform a closeout inspection to include wipe tests and meter surveys of the laboratory and will remove all signs and postings once it has been verified that there is no contamination present. A thorough examination of the room(s) will be completed to ensure that all radioactive materials and waste have been removed.
  • After the room has been cleared by Radiation Safety personnel, modify your CICERO protocol by removing that room number from the protocol.

  • For long periods of non-use of radioactive material, an authorized user can request for their authorization to become inactive. This is a good option for those who may use radioactive materials again in the future. Those who do not intend to use radioactive materials in the future or are leaving the University should request to terminate their authorization. Written notification should be provided via email to the Radiation Safety Office.
  • To deactivate or terminate an authorization, the lab is required to dispose of all the inventory in the lab or transfer the inventory to another principal investigator (PI) on or off the UMB campus. If the PI would like to transfer the inventory to another PI, written notification should be provided via email to the Radiation Safety Office. Approval by the RSO is required before any material can be transferred. If the PI would like to dispose of their radioactive material inventory, a waste removal request should be submitted via the online Waste Removal Request Form: https://ehs.umaryland.edu/ehs_forms/radwaste/, and the corresponding RUD must be returned to the Radiation Safety Office.
  • If a sewer disposal permit was issued, all sewer disposal of radioactive materials should cease.
  • Please leave the sewer disposal permit and “Assume this site is contaminated” sign posted for removal by Radiation Safety personnel.
  • All radioactive waste must be removed from the lab. If there is waste in the lab, please submit a waste removal request via the online form: https://ehs.umaryland.edu/ehs_forms/radwaste/.
  • If there is any equipment in the room that is labeled with “Caution Radioactive Materials” labels, the equipment must be checked for contamination by Radiation Safety personnel.
  • Once all waste has been removed, please complete a final contamination survey of the laboratory.
  • All dosimeters should be returned to the Radiation Safety Office.
  • Radiation Safety personnel will then perform a closeout inspection to include wipe tests and meter surveys of the laboratory and will remove all signs and postings once it has been verified that there is no contamination present. A thorough examination of the room(s) will be completed to ensure that all radioactive materials and waste have been removed.
  • Once inactivation/termination is approved, the authorized user will be exempt from monthly contamination surveys as well as compliance inspections by the Radiation Safety Office. 

  • If a piece of equipment has a “Caution Radioactive Materials” label on it, it may be moved to another room that is authorized for radioactive materials. However, if this equipment is to be moved to a room that is NOT authorized for radioactive materials, Radiation Safety personnel must check the equipment for contamination before it’s moved. Or, the PI can submit a Facility Registration Form for the addition of the room to their authorization, and then the equipment can be moved to the newly added room. If the equipment is to be disposed of or sent out for repair, Radiation Safety personnel must check this equipment for contamination and remove all labels.
  • Certain pieces of equipment require the assistance of EHS personnel before relocation and/or disposal. This includes the following:
    • Liquid Scintillation Counters
    • Gamma Counters
    • Radiation Producing Machines
    • Lasers
    • Electron microscopes
    • Irradiators
    • Gas Chromatographs
    • Sealed Sources
    • Survey Meters
    • Items containing lead

Please contact EHS at 6-7055 before relocation/disposal of the above items.

  • If a sewer disposal permit was issued for the room that is being renovated, cease all disposal of radioactive materials down that drain.
  • Please leave the sewer disposal permit and “Assume this site is contaminated” sign posted for removal by Radiation Safety personnel.
  • If there is any radioactive inventory in the room, it can be transferred to another room that is on the authorization or disposed of via radioactive waste. If the remaining isotope is disposed of, the corresponding RUD must be returned to the Radiation Safety Office.
  • If there is radioactive waste present in the room, the waste can be transferred to another room listed on the authorization.
  • If a waste removal request needs to be made, please submit the request via the online Waste Removal Request Form: https://ehs.umaryland.edu/ehs_forms/radwaste/.
  • If there is any equipment in the room that is labeled with “Caution Radioactive Materials” labels, this equipment may be transferred to another room that is authorized for radioactive materials. If the equipment needs to be moved to a room that is NOT authorized for radioactive materials, Radiation Safety personnel must check the equipment for contamination before it’s moved.
  • Once all radioactive material has been removed from the room, a final contamination survey should be performed.
  • Radiation Safety personnel will then perform a closeout inspection to include wipe tests and meter surveys of the laboratory, and will remove all signs and postings once it has been verified that there is no contamination present. A thorough examination of the room(s) will be completed to ensure that all radioactive materials and waste have been removed.

For EHS Staff Only