Kevin Engler, MDE
Instructional Design Support
Kevin Engler is the academic development manager for the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning. In collaboration with University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) faculty, he provides design and development solutions for online graduate courses. He guides individual and small teams of faculty through a structured course design and development process using new and established evidence-based tools and practices. He also offers individualized training to developing instructors for improving online course facilitation and promoting student engagement and learning.
His current areas of focus include online course design, project management, MOOC development, and online pedagogy. He is certified in the Quality Matters quality assurance methodology.
Kevin joined UMB in 2014. Previously, he developed training solutions for the Department of Veterans Affairs and for the health insurance industry. He also served as a K-12 special educator and led a data management team at an information services startup. Kevin earned a master's degree in instructional systems development from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 2010.