The UMB Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) provides a wide array of life-safety services to keep occupants safe and to ensure compliance with the Maryland Fire Prevention Code.

The UMB Office of the Fire Marshal is a part of the UMB Department of Public Safety.
View the 2023 UMB Police and Public Safety Organizational Chart.

Fire Marshal Services

Construction Plans Review

As the legally designated authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), the UMB OFM reviews all design documents and construction plans to ensure compliance with the Maryland Fire Prevention Code and University standards. Construction cannot begin until the plans have been approved by the UMB OFM.

Construction Inspections

As the legally designated AHJ, the UMB OFM performs inspections throughout the construction process and performs acceptance testing for new life safety systems in order to ensure compliance with the Maryland Fire Prevention Code and University standards.

Occupancy Permits

As the legally designated AHJ, the UMB OFM issues the certificate of occupancy once construction activities are complete and life safety systems are approved. New buildings and renovated areas are not permitted to be occupied until after the occupancy permit has been issued.

Code Consulting

The UMB OFM provides technical expertise to the University community on matters related to fire, building, and life safety codes. The most common inquiries are related to research involving hazardous materials and building layout modifications.

Fire Drills

In collaboration with UMB Police Department and the Department of Operations and Maintenance, the UMB OFM conducts fire drills twice a year in all occupied UMB buildings. Fire drills are unannounced to building occupants and should always be taken as seriously as a true emergency evacuation.

Education and Training

A variety of training opportunities are offered by the UMB OFM, including both formal and informal presentations. Education and training are provided to both internal and external University stakeholders.

Building Inspections

The UMB OFM conducts comprehensive building inspections to identify and address code violations and fire hazards. Every single space within the building is inspected, including all rooms, labs, offices, and closets.

Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance (ITM)

The UMB OFM ensures that all life-safety systems are inspected, tested, and maintained as required by Code. The Department of Environmental Health and Safety and the Department of Operations and Maintenance perform some of the ITM work, but the majority is performed by contractors.

Hot Work Permits

UMB OFM employees are designated as the permit authorizing individuals for all hot work activities at UMB. Before any hot work process can occur, which includes welding, heat treating, grinding, thawing pipe, powder-driven fasteners, hot riveting, torch-applied roofing, or any other application that produces or uses sparks, flames, or heat, a hot work permit must be obtained from OFM.

Emergency Response

The UMB OFM is a member of the UMB Emergency Management Team and responds and reacts to on-campus emergencies when requested by UMB Police or the Office of Emergency Management.

Fire Investigation

In collaboration with the Office of the State Fire Marshal, Baltimore City Fire Department, and the UMB Police Department, the UMB OFM conducts investigations of all fires that occur on campus to determine their origin and cause.

Special Event Assistance

The UMB OFM is required to be involved with special events that involve temporary structures and tents, large occupant loads, cooking and/or food truck operations, or unique hazards. OFM involvement may consist of plans review and logistics, site inspection, fire watch, and/or crowd control.