The following evacuation guidance is applicable for all campus buildings:

  • If you see smoke or fire, activate the fire alarm by pulling the nearest manual pull station. Pull stations are typically located near exterior doors and stairwell doors.
  • Evacuate the building by using the nearest marked exit. In most cases, this will be via an exit stairwell. Exit the building directly from the stairwell and do not re-enter the building. Do not use the elevators.
  • Once outside, move across the street or down the sidewalk, away from the building entrance.
  • Call 911 and report the location of the fire if it is known.
  • Do not re-enter the building until the all-clear is given by the fire officer in charge or UMB Police.
  • Individuals requiring evacuation assistance should go to the nearest enclosed stairwell.
    • If not in imminent danger, do not block others from higher floors in their descent of the stairs.
    • Request others to notify first responders of your location (floor/stairwell).
    • If you are in imminent danger, request evacuation assistance from others and call or text 911.
    • Even if you cannot descend to ground level, being within a stairwell may provide you with protection.

Building specific occupant emergency plans have been created by the Office of Emergency Management and can be found here: