The following University policies, procedures, and guidelines promote occupant safety and reduce the risk of fire at UMB. 


  • Fire Extinguisher Icon

    Outlines the basic elements of an effective fire safety program and defines areas of responsibility for University operating units and personnel.

  • Door with an arrow

    Mitigates the safety concerns of University buildings to ensure safe egress and minimize hazards to firefighters. 

  • No Smoking Sign

    Prevents adverse health effects; protects and enhances outdoor and indoor air quality; prevents smoking-related fires. 


  • Icon with arrow that says

    Provides directions for how to respond to fire alarm activations and emergency building evacuations.

  • Saw Icon

    Prevents injury, loss of life, and loss of property from fire or explosion as a result of hot work at UMB. Fill out a Hot Work Permit

  • Man Talking Icon

    Assigns a person(s) to an area for the express purpose of protecting the public from fire and life-safety dangers.
