Travel   (Travel Advance, travel expense reimbursement)

Note:  IO can only process Travel advances and reimbursements for non-UMB personnel, such as fellowship recipients or visiting guest lecturers, and only to a non-US bank account.  All UMB faculty, staff, and students must process travel advances and reimbursements directly through UMB.

Required Document List

  1. Approved Travel Request Form from UMB’s Concur system if traveling from, to, and through the United States, or the Non-employee Travel Attestation Form if traveling between other countries than the United States.
  2. Travel Advance Request FormTravel Advance Request Form (advance) and Travel Expense Report (Travel Expenses)
  3. Payment Authorization Form / Payment Authorization Form
  4. Payee Bank Details Verification Form
  5. Applicable IRS taxpayer form (consult IO in each case)