Globe on a blue background with GLOBALtimoreFor the third year, the UMB Center for Global Engagement is excited to partner with the UMB Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, InterAmerican Center for Global Health, and the American Association for Colleges & Universities to offer an immersive professional development program in Costa Rica for a select cohort of UMB faculty, post-doctoral, and staff members to globalize their courses, modules, tracks, clinical electives, or cocurricular programs.

The purpose of this program is to develop global education opportunities for students enrolled in UMB degree programs and is an evolution of the GLOBALtimore Teaching Fellows Program.

From December 7-14, 2024, selected fellows will engage in a series of interactive workshops on topics such as learning design and assessment, strategies to globalize curricula, ethical global engagement, incorporating active learning, inclusive classroom practice, and other topics. They must propose a global course, module, track, clinical elective, or co-curricular program that they will design in collaboration with skilled trainers during the workshop.

If you have any questions, contact Amy Ramirez.

UMB Costa Rica Faculty Development Institute 2024

Application Information

  • Must be for an educational project (curricular or co-curricular) that will involve students enrolled in UMB degree programs.

  • Can be for global learning experiences within the U.S. as well as abroad.

  • The program must be delivered during the 2025-2026 academic year.

  • Applicants must be UMB faculty, postdoctoral fellows, or staff. Collaborative proposals are welcome.

Applicants will submit an application that includes the following information:

  • Information about your current teaching responsibilities (if any)

  • Brief description of your proposed project

  • A personal statement that answers the following questions:

    • Why are you interested in this program?

    • What are your ideas for incorporating global content/learning into a course, module, track, clinical elective, or co-curricular program?

    • Who is the audience for this proposed educational offering?

    • What are your plans to share global learning with colleagues in your school or unit?

  • Your up-to-date CV/resume

  • A support letter from your department chair, dean, or supervisor

Apply Here

Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee based on the following criteria:

  • Clarity of proposal

  • Clear identification of the audience for the proposed learning opportunity

  • Novelty of proposal

  • Plan to communicate global learning within their department, school, or unit

  • Strength of the support letter and explanation of the proposal’s relevance to the department, school, or unit