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Sharon Allen is the co-founder and Executive Director of World Telehealth Initiative (WTI). Under her leadership, WTI has developed an innovative model that leverages remote philanthropic physicians to provide sustainable medical expertise via telehealth. Since its founding in 2017, WTI has established remote specialist care and training to onsite providers in 18 under-served communities throughout the world.

As a recognized leader in international philanthropic telehealth, Sharon is often invited to speak at notable conferences, including American Telehealth Association, the White House Telehealth Innovation Summit, Nigeria’s Healthcare Today - Keynote, MENA Telehealth Conference, Telehealth Innovator’s Forum, AAFP Global Health Summit, and more. She has traveled extensively to understand the needs of low-resourced healthcare clinics and hospitals worldwide.

Sharon has been selected to serve on the World Health Organization Digital Health Board of Advisors and Roster of Experts. She is currently working with WHO on their Telehealth Roadmap for the Underserved.