8th Annual Global Health Conference of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH), Healthy People, Healthy Ecosystems: Implementation, Leadership, and Sustainability in Global Health. April 7-9, 2017, Washington, D.C.

PANEL SESSION: Making the Global to Local Link in Academia: Concepts and Models

Global/local initiatives reflect an effort to link the siloed fields of global health and (domestic) community engagement to help faculty and students recognize the value of bi-directional learning and the importance of providing care and conducting research in a way that supports vulnerable members of society wherever they may be. The concepts underlying global/local education are undertheorized and universities struggle to make the global/local link in the absence of a conceptual framework or guiding models.

Center for Global Education Initiatives Co-Director Virginia Rowthorn moderated a panel session at the 8th Annual Global Health Conference in Washington, D.C. which focused on global/local initiatives. The panel provided both an understanding of the conceptual scholarship in this area to help faculty give voice to this critical movement within their own institutions and concrete models they can adapt and apply.

The full presentations are below, and their respective articles can be found in the November-December 2016 supplement of the Annals of Global Health.

CUGH 2017 Global Local speaker panel


Introduction to Making the Global to Local Link in Academia: Concepts and Models

Virginia Rowthorn, JD, LLM, Co-Director of UMB Center for Global Education Initiatives


CUGH 2017 global local panel James Hudspeth thumbnailEquitable Exchanges in American Medicine: From Ideals to Reality

James Hudspeth, MD, FACP, Assistant Professor, Boston University School of Medicine



Making the Global to Local Link in Academia: Concepts and Models

Lisa Adams, MD, Associate Dean for Global Health, Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine


CUGH 2017 Tracy Rabin panel pres thumbnailYale Global Health and Equity Distinction Pathway

Tracy L. Rabin, MD, SM, FAAP, FACP, Assistant Director, Office of Global Health, Yale University School of Medicine


CUGH 2017 Jessica Evert panel pres thumbnail

Service-Learning and Local/Global Health

Jessica Evert, MD, Executive Director, Child Family Health International



CUGH 2017 Adam Taylor panel presentation thumbnailGlobal to Local

Adam Taylor, MPH, Executive Director, Global to Local



Thumbnail CUGH 2017 global local presentation by Alex PlumReverse Innovation in Healthcare: SDGs Bring Global Health to Detroit

Alexander Plum, MPH, CHES, Henry Ford Health System