CVD Hosts International Journalists for Tour, Education about Global Vaccine Research
In July, 20 International health and science writers hosted by the National Press Foundation (NPF) toured the Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health (CVD) to learn about current research in vaccines and health. Their visit was part of a three-day NPF fellowship to learn about vaccines. Kathleen Neuzil, MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics and Director of CVD and fellow researchers explained their main mission and the process of developing vaccine-preventable diseases intended to reduce the morbidity and mortality of individuals in extremely underserved populations.
“We really see vaccines as an issue of equity,” said Dr. Neuzil. “This is something everybody can have equal access to. We want to take cost as a factor out of the equation.”
Dr. Neuzil spoke about the CVD’s role in targeting some of the most overlooked diseases that may only affect people in extremely low-income countries. The CVD is responsible for the full spectrum of vaccines from the discovery and exploratory stage all the way through delivery, she explained. Dr. Neuzil and other CVD experts continue to be a driving force in global health working to decrease rates of mortality and making vaccines affordable for ever member of the world’s population.
If you would like to hear more about the CVD and their current vaccine efforts, watch the NPF video interview with Dr. Neuzil below.