CGE Experts Explored Racial Injustice in the U.S. from a Human Rights Perspective
On September 17, the Center for Global Engagement hosted the first "Human Rights at Home," a three-part Global Perspective Series webinar.
More than 100 attendees heard experts discuss why the United States has taken a divergent route on human rights and how embracing the international human rights system could make a critical impact in addressing system racism and differential access to education and health care.
Many thanks to our moderator, Roger J. Ward, JD, MSL, MPA, Interim Provost at UMB and our panelists:
Russell McClain, JD, Law School Professor and Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, Carey Law School
Peter Danchin, JD, Director International and Comparative Law Program and Professor of Law, Carey Law School
Neijma Celestine-Donnor, MSW, Dean of Diversity and Inclusion, School of Social Work
Jackie Smith, Professor of Sociology at the University of Pittsburgh and co-coordinator of the Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance
Watch the webinar recording here: