Join the UMB Team Traveling to Costa Rica to Partner in Aging Research
Deadline May 12
With the support of the Alicia and Yaya Initiative in Global Aging Research, a UMB team is traveling to the University of Costa Rica to develop partnerships with Costa Rican scholars in the area of aging research (clinical, basic science, and sociocultural). There are two remaining spots available for UMB faculty members with all travel and hotel expenses covered.
The dates are July 19-27 (inclusive of travel) and include participation in the International Congress in Gerontology in San Jose, Costa Rica, and site visits to the Nicoya Peninsula. If you have an aging research portfolio or want to pivot to aging research and are interested in meeting Costa Rican scholars for potential collaboration, please reach out to Virginia Rowthorn in the Center for Global Engagement by Friday, May 12. Spanish language skills are not required. Seed funding will be available for new collaborations starting in fall 2023.