April 2024 Newsletter
Applications open for third Faculty Development Institute in Costa Rica
Alicia & Yaya Initiative in Global Aging Research Launches Grant Funding
CGE Announces Global Learning Grant Awardees from Four Schools and Division of Student Affairs
The Center for Global Engagement announces the first awardees of the Global Learning Grant Program. These funds are for UMB faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and staff to develop global learning opportunities for UMB students.
Applications Open for 3rd Faculty Development Institute in Costa Rica
Applications are now open for the third UMB/Costa Rica Faculty Development Institute, an immersive professional development program in Costa Rica for a select cohort of UMB faculty, post-doctoral, and staff members to globalize their courses and programs.
Alicia & Yaya Initiative in Global Aging Research Launches Grant Funding
The Alicia and Yaya Initiative in Global Aging Research (AYY), a unique collaboration between the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) and the University of Costa Rica (UCR), has launched two grant programs: the Development Grant and the Seed Grant.
Carlos Faerron Guzmán and Amy Ramirez Awarded USM Elkins Fellowship
Two members of the Center for Global Engagement team have been selected for the 2024-25 Elkins Fellowship for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through the William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation at the University System of Maryland.
Apply for Board Position with United Students of African Descent
The United Students of African Descent is accepting applications for its 2024-25 e-Board. Open positions include president, vice president, treasurer, and historian.
UMB Global News
Spring Game Night with the International Students Organization
Enjoy the International Students Organization and the University Student Government Association (USGA) for an evening of fun with fellow students socializing and playing card games, board games, and video games with the International Students Organization.
J-1 Scholar Orientation
Join the Office of International Services to review the rules for maintaining J-1 Scholar status, as well as other topics about getting to know the UMB campus.
The Table Dialogue: Exploring the Diversity in Asian American and Pacific Islander Identities
Join the Intercultural Center for a dialogue that pushes back against the conflation of AAPI identities into a singular monolithic narrative and uplifts the diverse experiences of AAPI people in the U.S.
Don't Miss Global Spring Mixer with International Student Organization
Join the International Students Organization and the University Student Government Association (USGA) for a Global Spring Mixer, featuring a world of culture through delectable dining, music, and activities!
Mark Your Calendars for the Global Kick-Off in September
Join the Center of Global Engagement for the annual Global Kick-Off to start your year learning about global opportunities and connected with fellow students, scholars, faculty, and staff who have a global interest.
Focus on Fulbright Initiative
Fulbright Seeking Motivated Students, Scholar Hosts
Are you interested in a Fulbright? CGE is here to help you as a part of a new Fulbright Initiative.
Institute on Virtual Exchange/Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
The 2024-25 AAC&U Institute on Virtual Exchange/Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is being held in partnership with the Fulbright US-UK Global Challenges Teaching Awards. Application deadline is April 29.
Call for Proposals: AAC&U Conference on Global Learning
AAC&U's 2024 Conference on Global Learning will showcase the full range of global learning activities, programs, strategies, and approaches used by educators worldwide to prepare students for work, life, and citizenship in our interconnected world.
Global HIV/AIDS Response: Then, Now, Future
The David E. Barnes Global Health Lecture on "Global HIV/AIDS Response: Then, Now, Future" will be held June 5 at 1 p.m. both online and in-person at the NIH in Bethesda.
Quick Links
Center for Global Engagement
621 W. Lombard St.
Suite 334
Baltimore, MD 21201