• Degree Enrollment Verification

    Verified IconThis is an official document that provides a student's enrollment status. It does not have information like grades or courses. These may be used for scholarship purposes, medical coverage, loan deferments, car insurance, and more. 

  • Transfer Credits

    Transfer iconLearn how to transfer credits from other colleges or universities. 

  • Inter-Institutional Enrollment

    Graduate students at the University System of Maryland (USM) institutions to take selected courses at other USM institutions while paying tuition at their home school.

  • Request for Letter of Non-Attendance

    Person Icon

    This form is used to request a letter of non-attendance for your institution. Once the letter has been processed; the student will be notified by email.

  • Golden ID Program

    Golden ID Program IconSenior Citizens of the State of Maryland have the opportunity to waive tuition for undergraduate or post-baccalaureate courses. Learn about if you are an eligible for this program.