The University of Maryland has partnered with Parchment for convenient electronic PDF transcript ordering and delivery.

Online electronic PDF transcript ordering offers many benefits including:

  • Convenient 24/7 access
  • Secure transactions
  • Fast electronic transcript delivery worldwide
  • Automatic order updates via email
  • Online order tracking
  • Ability to order multiple electronic transcripts for multiple recipients in one order
  • Ability to upload documents that must accompany your official transcript
  • Fee: No Charge

How to Request a Transcript


  1. Go to Parchment
  2. Create or Log-in to your account.
  3. Click “ Order”
  4. Click “I’m Sending to myself or another individual.”
  5. Click either “I am sending this order to myself” or “I am sending this order to another individual.”
  6. Click either “Electronic” or “Printed and Mailed.”

You can request as many transcripts as you need we don’t charge! Feel free to call (410-706- 7480) or email ( us with any questions. 

Downloadable pdf of How to Request a Transcript(Step-by-Step Guide)

Hold on Your Record: You will be notified during the transcript ordering process if a hold exists on your record. Your transcript order cannot be processed until the hold is removed. Once the hold is resolved, your transcript will be released.

Paper Transcripts (no charge): Paper transcripts are processed within 1-2 business days after receipt of your order. Official transcripts are mailed in hard-copy via U.S. Standard Mail. Expedited mailing is not available. The Office of the Registrar also offers same day in-person transcript request and pick up during regular business hours.  Valid identification is necessary to claim your transcript in person.

Processing Delays

Your order may be delayed for the following reasons:

  • Holds: Holds on your record will delay transcript processing. Consult the Holds on Your Record.
  • Attachments: You have the ability to upload documents that must accompany your official transcript. Your attachment will be reviewed and is subject to approval. Please remember to sign the attachment. This may cause a slight delay in processing.



Yes, all transcript orders must be placed online. When transcript order is placed be sure to include pick up notation.

Electronic PDF transcripts are generally processed in 5-10 minutes.

Students can view or print their unofficial transcript on SURFS.

If you attached a document that the Office of the Registrar cannot authenticate or is not appropriate to be included with an official transcript, we will remove the uploaded document and proceed with processing your transcript order.