Approval Date: 11/11/20
Approver: Laura Scarantino, AVP
Revised: 03/26/2021

This page describes the process for Departments to send ACH forms to SPAC for signature as required by Sponsors.

Below is the process for Departments to send ACH forms to SPAC for signature as required by Sponsors. This applies to all departments who need ACH or vendor forms signed by SPAC, Our sponsors will periodically request for us to fill out and certify our banking information so that they can pay us for a sponsored award.

Information that maybe needed on forms

All ACH or Vendor Account Information Forms can be prefilled before submitting to SPAC. Please visit the bank information page for this information. 

The Sponsor name is: State of Maryland

Doing Business As (DBA): University of Maryland, Baltimore

Account Name: State of Maryland, University of Maryland Baltimore

Remittance Address is: (the same as our W9)

  • 220 North Arch St Baltimore, MD 21201
    Mailing Address

Payments by check should be:
University of Maryland, Baltimore
P.O. Box 41428 Baltimore, MD

Note: Please Reference Invoice # and PI on remittance ACH information must be filled in by SPAC (no longer published on our site) Certifier or Signor will be the SPAC Collection and Accounts Receivable (CAR) Supervisor or a Director in their absence.

The Accounts Receivable Contact is: Collections Specialist:

Other information that may be asked for on the forms:

Proposal mailing address is SPA:
University of Maryland Baltimore
620 W. Lexington Street 4th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201‐1508

Web address:

DUNS No.: 188435911

Tax ID No.: 52‐6002033

Internal Revenue Code: 170‐C

Submitting Forms

Submit the form to: 

  • Label your request as “ACH Form Request”
  • The form will be returned by the Accounts Receivable or Collections Specialist per the instructions on the form or to the originator of the email. Unless you request it to be sent back to you directly.
  • If a bank letter is also needed, SPAC can provide that to you upon request
  • A copy of completed signed forms will be retained by SPAC

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