After a grant or contract has been awarded, the Principal Investigator (PI) may determine that a modification is needed. These types of modifications are usually:
- Change in scope
- Change in key personnel
- Supplemental Funding
- Budget revisions
- Carryover Funding
- No- cost extension
- Grant transfers/ Relinquishments.
Any modifications or adjustments should be submitted to Sponsored Programs Administration SPA via these forms. Once approved by SPA they will be routed to SPAC for processing.
Budget Modification Form
Carryover Allocation Form
Child Project Request Form
No Cost Extension
PI Change
Award Modification Request
Modifications for subsequent years of funding that were already included in a routed proposal are routed using the Award Modification Request form in Kuali Build. These include non-competing continuations and other modifications, non-financial requests that do not require routing, and agreement amendments signed by CCT that need to be processed by SPA for award set-up.
Use your UMB credentials to log in:
- Start an Award Modification Request
- Kuali Build log-in - review submissions and drafts
If you need a temporary account while awaiting an award document, submit a Temporary Project Request Form via email.
If the modification involves new funds, a change in scope of work, or a change in department, please route a proposal using Kuali Research.