Brian DeFilippis, MS
Special Assistant to the Dean, School of Medicine
Associate Dean, Development
School of Medicine

Michael Dowdy, MBA
Chief Development Officer and Vice President
President and CEO, University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc.

Robert Ernst, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Microbial Pathogenesis
School of Dentistry

Eric Hontz
Francis King Carey School of Law

James L. Hughes, MBA
Chief Enterprise and Economic Development Officer and Vice President

Teresa LaMaster, JD
Associate Dean, Planning and External Affairs
Francis King Carey School of Law

Audra Stinchcomb, PhD 
Professor, School of Pharmacy
Chief Scientific Officer and Founder, AllTranz

Scott Strome, MD, FACS
Professor and Chair, Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
School of Medicine
Chief Scientific Officer, Gliknik

Peter Swaan, PhD
Professor and Director, Center for Nanomedicine and Cellular Delivery
School of Pharmacy

Jan Wright
Director, Gift Records and Donor Stewardship
Development and Alumni Relations

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