Clery crimes disclosed to a campus security authority (CSA) must be reported even if the victim or witness does not wish to make a formal report to the University of Maryland, Baltimore Police Department (UMBPD). Victims and witnesses may remain anonymous.


  • If there is a threat to the safety of the UMB community, the CSA must immediately contact the UMBPD at 410-706-6881. In an emergency, call 911.
  • Victims and witnesses may remain anonymous, if they wish. However, victims of sexual offenses are encouraged to report the crime directly to the UMBPD to receive resources and support. 
  • CSAs must report all disclosed Clery crimes, even if the report is second-hand or duplicate. You should not investigate or try to determine whether the crime occurred. If it was disclosed to you, report it.
  • This form does not replace or change any existing reporting requirements or procedures for disciplinary referrals for student or employee misconduct.

Clery Incident Report Form

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