Stay Safe
Dear Colleagues:
Now that students have returned to classes and the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is back in full swing, the UMB Police Force wants to remind everyone that we all play a role in ensuring the University is a safe place in which to work and study.
Here are a few things you can do to stay safe, especially as the daylight hours grow shorter:
* Be alert and aware of your surroundings;
* When you are outside, avoid using earbuds and wait until you reach your destination to use your cellphone; and
* Walk with a friend or in groups.
As a reminder, for travel between UMB buildings and garages (and the University of Maryland Medical Center), we offer Safe Walk/Safe Ride services every day of the year. The Safe Walk service is available 24 hours a day and the Safe Ride service is available from 3 p.m. to 1 a.m. See our map for the boundary and webpage for more details. To request either service, please call 410-706-6882 (6-6882 on a campus telephone).
I urge you to call UMB Police if you need assistance or if you see anything suspicious. For emergency calls, dial 911. The number for non-emergencies is 410-706-6882.
Alice K. Cary, MS
Chief of Police