Upcoming Time Change and Community Safety
Dear UMB Community:
Over the years, we have seen an increase in crime as it gets darker earlier. Before daylight saving time ends Nov. 1, I want to remind you of some campus safety tips and tell you the proactive measures the University of Maryland, Baltimore Police Department (UMBPD) is taking to keep you safe.
Our UMBPD security officers are stationed throughout campus all day, especially during the high-traffic morning and afternoon commutes. Keep an eye out for their red security shirts. Security officers also are stationed inside UMB buildings. We have proactively increased police patrols throughout our community as well. Our police and security officers are following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, including wearing face coverings and keeping physical distancing, but we are always available if you have any questions or concerns. Don't hesitate to ask for help.
These quick tips can make all the difference in keeping you safe:
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Put away distractions like cellphones and headphones. It can wait!
- Walk in groups. Stick to main roads and avoid alleys. No one to walk with? Call for a Safe Walk on campus 24/7: 410-706-6882.
- If someone tries to take your property, give it to them. Don't resist.
- In an emergency, call 911!
While we've increased our presence on campus, our officers can't be in all places at once. Safety is a community effort. If you see something, say something. Report suspicious persons, vehicles, and activities to UMBPD at 410-706-6882. You also can use any of our 31 blue light phones by hitting the red button and talking to one of our police communication operators (PCO). Blue light phones are not panic buttons - they're phones! Don't just hit the button and run away; tell the PCO your location (the number posted on the phone) and the nature of the emergency so they can send help. Without telling our PCOs where you are, we won't be able to dispatch police to your location.
We have many more campus safety tips, departmental information, and resources on our social media channels. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: @PoliceUMB. Stay safe!
Thomas Leone
UMB Interim Chief of Police