In order to grant building access, you must use the Building Access system and complete the building access request form. The individual getting the access must have a Campus One Card before a request can be made. 


The form can be used to request new access, alter existing access, or remove access. 

When you complete a form for someone else or for yourself, personal information will prefill for the named individual in the request. Up to 5 locations can be requested for an individual per request form, and you must specify the hours of access needed by the individual. 

Once submitted, the form will go through the approval process and if there are no issues, access will be granted to the user.  For more detailed information about each area of the Building Access system and the workflow process that occurs, see below:


Will display all requests where the request date is less than 2 months old and status is not yet completed. Use search to find older/other requests.

  • Public Safety admins can see all requests. They can edit requests to mark completed.
  • Level 1 and Level 2 approvers will only see requests for locations they can approve. They can edit requests to mark approved.
  • Others will only see requests for them. They can see request details (no option to edit)


All users will have ability to search for requests using at least one of the following parameters: Search by:

  • Date submitted, dept/school, last name (person request is for), requested by (completed request), reviewed by (approver), completed by (public safety admin)
  • Status
  • If date submitted is selected, must specify start/end date range

Results will appear in table format and there will be option to download results as excel spreadsheet.

Request Forms

Building Access Form:

  1. Request form is completed (up to 5 locations can be requested for someone per request form); form can be submitted for someone else or for yourself. Form will prefill personal information depending on who the form is being completed for (self or someone else).
  2. Once a request is submitted, the following workflow process is completed for each location selected:
    • A new request is initiated for each location/hours selected
    • Depending on whether the person completing the request is an approver for the location, a different approval workflow is done:
      • If level 2 approver, mark request as 'Level 2 Approved' and send email to so they can process request. Also send confirmation email to person that completed the request form.
      • If level 1 approver, mark request as 'Level 1 Approved' and send email to all Level 2 approvers for the location asking them review/approve request. Also send confirmation email to person that completed the request form.
      • If not approver, send confirmation email to person that completed the form and another email to all the level 1 approvers for the location asking them to review/approve it.
  3. A request can be updated by an approver or Public Safety admins (by selecting it from the queue or searching for request) to indicate it has been reviewed/approved and thus move it to next level in workflow as follows:
    • Determine whether person editing request is approver or Public Safety admin, only allow appropriate fields and status to be used based on who is updating request.
      Note: if request is 'Completed' only super_admin (select people in Public and Safety) will be able to update the notes for request for cases when a request was incorrectly completed.
    • If level 1 approver is updating the request, send confirmation email to indicate it has been updated. Email is sent to level 2 approvers, cc level 1 approvers (and cc original person that completed request if they aren't already included - if they're not level 1 approver).
    • If level 2 approver is updating the request, send confirmation email to all reviewers (level 1 and level 2) for the location to let them know it's been updated.
    • If request status is updated to 'level 2 approved' also send email to so they can process request.

      If a requested is 'completed' only a super_admin (select people in Public safety) can edit the request. They will be able to update the notes field only. Any 'completed' requests that have the notes updated will also be marked as 'corrected' requests. A separate report for 'corrected' requests is available for all admin users.
  4. Once the request is completed by Public Safety, a confirmation email will be sent to the person needing building access and the person who requested it.

Temporary Access Form:

  1. Request form is completed - by person needing temporary access OR by someone else completing the form on their behalf. The request form will be prefilled with the personal information for the person needing temporary access. Provide Location, Date and Time of Temporary Access and explain reason/purpose for needing temporary access.
  2. Request will be sent to the associated approvers for the location that was selected for review and approval.
    Approvers will be able to see any pending Temporary Building access in the queue and then view details to determine whether they will approve/deny the request.
  3. Once the request is approved/denied, an email will be sent to the person needing temporary access. Public Safety and the approvers will also be notified.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to request building access for multiple people, simultaneously, i.e. when a new group of students starts with the University. 

Level 2 approvers will also have ability to upload numerous requests at one time using the “upload multiple” option. A spreadsheet can be uploaded using the system process.

Please make sure to follow the instructions (sample instructions below); otherwise, the upload will fail (error will occur) and you will need to correct the information before it will successfully upload. Successfully uploaded data will be sent to Public Safety for processing.


  • In order to use this upload feature, download the sample spreadsheet and then add/complete the data in each respective column for each person and location.
  • BEFORE using this - please make sure the personal information for each person is complete and accurate.
  • DO NOT change the column titles or order.
  • Title should contain the person's job title (if unsure, look the person up in campus directory)
  • Dep_School should contain the name of the school or department that the person works within
  • Gender should contain one letter (M or F)
  • Refer to the following location list in order to get the valid LocationID.
  • Refer to the following hours list in order to get the valid hoursID.
  • If a person needs access to multiple locations, each location needs to be a separate row/item so each location can be processed separately.
  • Access Level can be used to provide additional info about access (maximum 200 characters)
  • Request Type must contain New, Replacement, Lost, or Stolen
  • Proxy Number must contain the Proxy Card Number on the back of all OneCard. If you're unable to get the number, put 'unknown' or 'N/A' (Note: if proxy number is not provided, it will take longer to process.)
  • If there are no notes for a request, put N/A in the Notes column otherwise notes maximum is 1000 characters.
  • Do not apply griding lines to the entire workbook - only cells that have data if you want to put borders; otherwise the upload will fail because it will expect data in the empty gridded cells.
  • The spreadsheet should have the following columns (in the order listed below):
    1.  *FIRSTNAME
    2. *LASTNAME
    3. *EMAIL
    4. PHONE
    5. TITLE
    7. *AFFILIATION (Faculty, Staff, Student or Contractor)
    8. *GENDER
    9. *LOCATIONID (refer to location list)
    10. *HOURSID (refer to hours list)
    11. *REQUESTDATE (mm/dd/yyyy)

If you have questions, please contact

Approval Workflow

An approval workflow is built into the new system process so that the appropriate approver is notified via email that a request needs their attention. 

  • There are two types of approvers per location: Level 1 and Level 2.
  • A Level 1 approver is responsible for approving access for one or more areas within a location. There could be many Level 1 approvers for a given building.
  • A Level 2 approver is responsible for a collection of locations within a building or for an entire building, or several buildings. Some locations may only have a Level 2 approver.
  • When a request is made by a user or manager who is not an approver, Level 1 approvers are notified of the request.
    • If the requested location does not have a Level 1 approver, Level 2 approvers are notified of the request.
  • When a request is made by or approved by a Level 1 approver, Level 2 approvers are then notified of the request.
  • When the request is made by or approved by a Level 2 approver, Public Safety is then notified of the approved request and will fulfil the access request.

If you have questions, please contact